Friday, 3 April 2020

Episode 60

Indra Baka Savāda; Sibi’s bounteousness[i]

This is an interesting episode discussing two small stories narrated to Yudhishtir by sage Markendeya. What are the objects that give happiness to people of extreme longevity? What objects cause pain to them? What is the importance of cooking and eating the food in one’s own house? These are questions that revolve around ‘दिनचर्या- dinacaryā’ as we do find in Ayurvedic texts for longevity.

The episode also discusses the importance of charity and the qualities of the giver. Can we boast of our own charity? Can we despise the donee? What is ordained for the donor as per the Sanatana dharma? Like many other episodes of Vana Parva, this episode revolves around the importance of purification of the self for spiritual rejuvenation.

The Story

In continuation of our previous episode, Yudhishtira inquisitively asked Mārkaṃḍeya to narrate the story of Baka Maharshi and the secrets of his longevity (Baka Maharshi, as per legend, had lived for one lakh years). Mārkaṃḍeya started telling the story.

Once upon a time there occurred a ferocious war between gods and demons. Gods became victorious and Indra became the lord of all worlds. Indra intended to survey all the worlds and explore the great people of his land. He was roaming on the back of his mighty elephant, Airāvata and reached a beautiful hermitage nearer to a seacoast.

Indra was impressed by the serene surroundings of the hermitage and alighted from his Airāvata and he saw a maharshi, Baka. Baka received the lord of gods with courtesy and presented him all pleasantries. The rishi had lived a life of more than one lakh years and his experiences impart marvelous life lessons and Indra did not want to waste even a single moment.

Indra asked, ‘Oh great sage! Please tell me the things that cause misery to long living people (किम् दुःखं चिर जीविनाम् - kim dukha cira jīvinām, Vana Parva 193.17). Baka smiled and started telling.

‘Oh, Indra! Living with persons whom we dislike and the departure of people whom we like – this is the misery for people with extreme longevity’.

The death of spouse and children, the death of close friends and thriving the life by depending on someone else – this is the misery of people with extreme longevity’.

‘A person devoid of wealth is despised by the society – what more misery is there in the world for people with extreme longevity?’

The learned people become servants to foolish people and wealthy people enslave the poor people. This has to be seen by the people with extreme longevity. What more misery can I explain to you?’

Indra listened attentively and wanted to know what gives pleasures and what are secrets of extreme longevity. Baka again started telling.

अष्टमे द्वादशे वाऽपि शाकं यः पचते गृहे।
कुमित्राण्यनपाश्रित् किं वै सुखतरं ततः ॥
यत्राहानि न गण्यन्ते नैनमाहुर्महाशनम्।[ii]

(Oh, Indra! If one can live on the food being cooked in one’s own house even on the eighth or twelfth day and if one can live independently, and do not count the days- that is the greatest pleasure for people of extreme longevity. Those people cannot become gluttons)

अपि शाकं पचानस्य सुखं वै मघवन्गृहे ।
आर्जितं स्वेन वीर्येण नाप्यपाश्रित्य कञ्चन ॥[iii]

(‘Oh, Indra! If one can earn independently without depending on anybody and cook in one’s own house – that gives pleasure for people of extreme longevity’)

‘Eating fruits and vegetables in the house without any sorrow is far superior to eating great meal in someone’s house under despise’.

The man who craves food in other man’s house is like a dog that sucks blood. Pious people avoid enjoying the pleasures in other people houses’

‘Oh, Indra! Listen! The man who can eat the remains after sumptuous feast to guests and other living beings is the man who is happy, and this attitude promotes longevity and happiness to people of extreme longevity’.

Indra heard the wise words of Baka. He took blessings from Baka and left to his place.

Sibi’s Glory

In Episode 53, we have read the story of Sibi and his bounteousness. We have read as to how he pierced his own body and gave out his flesh as charity to an eagle (Indra disguised as eagle). Yudhishtira wanted to know much more about Sibi and his glorious deeds. Markendeya started telling the story.

One days the son of Viswamitra viz Ashtaka,.and his brothers, Pratardhana, Vasumana and Sibi were travelling on a chariot. They saw Narada on their way and asked him to alight the chariot. Narada obliged their request.

All the four brothers were men of great character and known for their liberal charitable nature and dharmic deeds. All were sure of reaching heaven after their demise; yet they wanted to know who would stay long in heaven and who would come out of heaven first. They requested Narada to enlighten and answer their question.

Narada immediately told, ‘Yes! Ashtaka shall come out of heaven first’.
‘Why is it so?’, they asked.
“Once I was travelling with Ashtaka in his chariot. We saw thousands of cows on the path. I asked- ‘whose cows are these?’. Then Ashtaka told, ‘All these are donated by me’. Since he was boasting his own charity, he cannot stay in heaven for long’.
Then they asked, ‘We agree Swamiji! Who has to come out of heaven after Ashtaka?’
Narada thought for a moment and told, ‘Next turn shall be Pratardhana’.
‘Why is it so?’, they enquired.
Narada told, ‘One day I was travelling with Pratardhana in his chariot. A brahmin came and asked a horse. Pratardhana was willing to give on the following day. But the brahmin wanted it immediately and so he gave away one horse. By the time one more brahmin appeared on the scene and asked one more horse. Pratardhana obliged and gave out the other horse. He started pulling the chariot. But alas! He told, ‘these brahmins do not possess discriminating intellect’. Pratardhana gave everything that is asked but exhibited anger against the donee. So, he shall have to leave heaven’.

All the brothers were inquisitive to know about the third person who was supposed leave the heaven after Pratardhana.
Narada told, ‘Vasumana has to leave the heaven later on’.
‘Why?’, they asked.
“One day I was travelling with Vasumana in his flower decked chariot. I told- ‘it is so beautiful’. Vasumana immediately told me, ‘Swamy the chariot is yours since you have praised it’. But he has not given the chariot”, Narada told to the surprise of everybody.
Only Sibi was left out. All others asked, ‘Oh sage Narada! If you and Sibi happen to be in heaven, who has to leave the heaven first?’
Immediately Narada told, ‘I have to leave the heaven. I am not as great as Sibi’.
It was surprising. They wanted to know the reason.

Narada began telling, ‘One day a brahmin approached Sibi for food. He asked the flesh of Sibi’s son. Sibi cut off the head of his son and got the dishes ready with his flesh. Then the king pleaded the brahmin to eat it. Then the brahmin asked him to eat it first. Sibi sat and started eating as asked by the guest without any agony or anxiety in his face. Then the brahmin told, ‘Oh, Sibi! You have conquered the anger. You have given out everything as charity and nothing is left with you’. Sibi lifted his head and there was no brahmin. Lord Brahmā was standing before him to bless him’, Narada concluded.

Everyone was awestruck and no one was knowing the story. Narada again started telling, ‘The Brahmā blessed Sibi and gave back the life of his son. All his ministers approached Sibi and asked him as to why he was so adventurous. Then Sibi told,

नैवाहमेतद्यशसे ददानि न चार्यहेतोर्न च भोगतृष्णया।
पापैरनासेवित एष मार्ग इत्येवमेतत्सकलं करोमि ॥[iv]

(I am giving charity not anticipating fame, wealth or any future luxury. Sinners cannot follow this path. So, I am following this path’)

Everyone admired Narada’s intellectual analysis and left to their places.

Understanding the story of Indra- Baka Savāda

It is an interesting story from the perspective of ‘दिनचर्या- dinacaryā’ as we do find in Ayurvedic texts for longevity. We see Indra asking Maharshi to explain the objects that give pleasures and pains to a person of extra longevity (चिरजीवनः - cirajīvana) and also the secrets for longevity. The things that give pleasures and sustain longevity can be classified as follows:
1.  Eating the food of one’s own house (पचते गृहे- pacate ghe). We find Maharshi Baka emphasizing this point at least three times. It means that our seers encouraged cooking in the house. Maharshi also condemns those who crave for outside food and compare them as blood-thirsty dogs (श्ववत् कीलालपो यस्तु परान्नं भोक्तुमिच्छति। - Vana Parva 193. 31).
2.  Eating the food after serving to guests, insects and birds give out pleasure and promote longevity.
3.  Earning the food on one’s own labour and do not depend on others (आर्जितं स्वेन वीर्येण - ārjita svena vīryea) even if it entails eating once in eight or twelve days. Scholars interpret it in two ways – 1. In Maha Bharata times, rishis and highly learned and humble brahmins were leading a life of penury and their focus was never on food but on learning, meditation and teaching. ‘Eat to live but not live to eat’ was their tenet which they had scrupulously adhered. 2. A few scholars opine that one should eat with a gap of eight or twelve hours and nothing in between.
Any way the idea is avoiding taking food very frequently so that they should not become gluttons.
4.  It is better to sustain on leaves and fruits than to crave for dishes in other’s houses.
From the above, we can know that probably, this was the bhojanam (food) for the seekers or rishis. To keep one’s own body healthy, it was always advised to avoid frequent meals. Frugal meals were encouraged, and frequent heavy meals were frowned at. Even when the little food that was taken was half stomach full.

 Aṣṭāṃga hdaya famously states:

अन्नेन कुक्षेर्द्वावंशौ पानेनैकं प्रपूरयेत् |
आश्रयं पवनादीनां चतुर्थमवशेषयेत् ||[v]
(Meaning: Half of the stomach is to be filled with food and one fourth with water. The rest of the stomach is to be left empty for the doṣās (to aid normal physiology of digestion)). 
Eating full stomach is never an ideal for people of sātvik nature.

To sum up, when we strictly avoid food made in other places and maintain the daily rhythm, the body gets purified and helps in avoiding many diseases. आहार सम्भवं वस्तु रोगाश्चाहार सम्भवाः (The body is made of food and alas, diseases also come from food).

Ved Vyasa also discusses the miseries of cirajīvana. Gerontology is a vast subject discussing the caring of the old. The misery of the old, excepting a few, is pathetic. The passing away of the friends before their own eyes is painful. When the body fails to cooperate, relying on someone for day today activities bring forth mental depressions. Maharshi Baka story is utilised by Ved Vyasa to highlight the plight of old people.

Understanding the story of Sibi

The predominant narrative of this story revolves around one issue, ie, charity. How should one give charity? By introducing four brahmin characters, Ved Vyasa has given out a message as to how a charity has to be done.

a.  If a man boasts of his charity, it does not merit as great charity
b.  If a man donates but despises the donee, his donation does not deserve as great charity
c.  If a man announces a donation, but backtracks, his donation is not a charity.
d.  But, if a person donates anything of donee’s choice with sraddha (faith or devotion) and sahana (patience), that alone qualifies real charity.

In fact, we come across a sloka in Taitiriya Upanishad which goes like this:

श्रद्धया देयम् अश्रद्धया अदेयम् श्रिया देयम् ह्रिया देयम्। भिया देयम् सम्विदा देयम्।

(Meaning: Thou shalt give with faith and reverence; without faith thou shalt not give. 
Thou shalt give with shame, thou shalt give with fear; thou shalt give with fellow-feeling). 

Taitiriya Upanishad says that while giving charity, we should do with shame because it may demean the dignity of the donee. We should give with respect and treating him as equal to you. Why should we give with fear? It is because the donee may refuse to take donation from you. The spirit and glory of Hindu philosophical thought never advocated charity for boasting or for exhibition.

In the same vain, Gita delineates charity into three varieties- sātvik, rājasik and tāmas (Gita 17- 20,21 and 22) and eulogises the charity that does not expect any reward from the donee and denounces charity that is given for wrong person and for wrong cause.

By highlighting the character of Sibi, Veda Vyasa has highlighted the importance of charity in one’s life. The exaggerated demand of brahmins is just an allegory to sustain the grand narrative which is of course the ‘virtues of charity’.

Points to ponder

1.  What are the secrets for longevity?
2.  How is food both sustainer and killer of a person?
3.  How should a charity be done? Discuss.


[i] This Story is taken from Vana Parva of Maha Bharata written by sage Veda Vyasa (Gita Press)

[ii] aṣṭame dvādaśe vā'pi śāka ya pacate ghe।
kumitrāṇyanapāśrit ki vai sukhatara tata
yatrāhāni na gayante nainamāhurmahāśanam। - Vana Parva 193. 27, 28

[iii] api śāka pacānasya sukha vai maghavanghe ।
ārjita svena vīryea nāpyapāśritya kañcana ॥ - Vana Parva 193. 29)

[iv] naivāhametadyaśase dadāni na cāryahetorna ca bhogatṛṣṇayā
pāpairanāsevita ea mārga ityevametatsakala karomi ॥ -Vana Parva 198. 26

[v] annena kukerdvāvaṃśau pānenaika prapūrayet |
āśraya pavanādīnāṃ caturthamavaśeayet || -Aṣṭāṃga Hdaya, sūtra sthāna - Chapter 8.46 (English translation by Dr T.Sreekumar)


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